Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nearing my first video release.

I don't have to post these really. After all right now I have 0 fans...or viewers. But I like to chronicle my progress. The first video release that isn't a test will be coming soon. It is labelled "Who wants to Touch my Katamari?". Good luck all!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Well I've got the tech stuff done now working on all things cosmetic. Soon my children soon....

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Okay so here's the new to be worked on Blog for Strykelife...

For those of you who are wondering what Strykelife is. Strykelife is a show that has it all baby! From video game and product reviews to stories and parody's. Think Tobuscus but smaller! Hopefully in due time I will be able to compete with said giant but until then lets ride this coaster togather! Or six seats apart it's your choice.